Does this ever happen to you?
You’re going about your day and somehow you always seem to stop and look at the clock at exactly 11:11. Or you keep seeing the same numbers on signs, license plates and the TV. Sure, maybe this happens once or twice- even all the time but WHY? What does this mean?!?!
My husband and I were walking along the beach on the 4th of July, talking about our plans for the future and what we would like to manifest when all of a sudden I looked down and there was the number 8- Literally! Lying there on the boardwalk, looking like it just fell off the side of a house, was an 8. We stopped, looked at it for a second then…wait for it… in that same moment I looked up and a girl walked by wearing a shirt with a Mexican Lotería card on it. What card number was that Lotería picture? You guessed it- an 8!
We are all constantly receiving messages from our spirit guides, angels and loved ones from the other side. Our angels know better than we do when we need guidance or validation and numbers are just one form these signs can come in.
Here are some steps to help you figure out what these numeric messages mean…
Look within.
I encourage you to first look at your own experience to decipher what these numbers or sequence of numbers represent to you. For example, I often see the number 12 or 1212. This is my birth date and to me it signifies that I’m on the right track and that new ideas and opportunities are coming to fruition.
The number 8 I saw reminded me of the Magician in the tarot card deck that has an 8, or infinity symbol above his head. The Magician contains the symbols of all suits in the deck which means he already has every tool and connection needed to prosper at his finger tips- what a great message to receive as my husband and I were just talking about how to continue building our future. This lets us know that we already hold the tools we need to create the future we desire.
Google “Angel Numbers”
There are a TON of resources online about angel numbers and their meanings. Since this can be an overwhelming amount of info, I recommend taking in only those interpretations that resonate with you and let the rest go.
Check out my friend and Numerologist Kari Samuels!
Kari has a great website with lots of good info about numbers and their significance. You can also check out her YouTube page for her monthly numerology energy forecasts. In addition, she has daily FB posts on her page that give you insight on the day’s numerology and how it can affect you. I cannot recommend her insight enough. Her positivity radiates and it’s contagious!
This information should not be used as a substitute for seeking the guidance of a health care provider.