Oracle Cards Demystified

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I purchased my first Oracle deck back in 2007 and they quickly became an easy way to receive clear messages from my guides whenever I needed a little direction or reassurance. Over the years as my intuition has grown, so has my collection of Oracle cards. Now, not only do I use them for myself but I incorporate them into my Reiki practice for extra insight into the energies affecting my clients.
Since most Oracle decks have clear messages directly on them or come with a guidebook, they are a great tool to help you start trusting your intuition and connect to the divine, no matter where you are on your spiritual journey.

First things first- What are Oracle cards? Are they the same as Tarot cards?

Oracle and Tarot cards are both used in a similar way to connect to the divine for guidance about your past, present and future. However, there are some significant differences. Oracle cards are said to have first been created in 19th century France, while the Tarot can be traced all the way back to the mid-15th century throughout Europe. The Tarot is made up of 22 Major Arcana cards, representing major life shifts and 56 minor arcana, offering more specific details.  With 78 cards in a deck and a more traditional structure, Tarot can offer a comprehensive picture of your life and, because of that, may be more challenging to interpret for the novice reader- especially with some of the seemingly less than positive cards. Though some Tarot decks feature different artwork or themes, they typically center around the same symbols with common meanings, archetypes and messages.
On the other hand, there is no general rulebook for Oracle decks as a whole. In fact, there are decks for pretty much any interest, theme or content you can think of and can contain any number of cards -I have a deck with 108 cards!
Overall, having an oracle deck (or two) on hand is a great way to receive guidance, insight and inspiration to help you on your path. Since most have clear messages directly on them or come with a guidebook, Oracle cards are a great way to start trusting your intuition and connect to the divine.


How to choose an Oracle deck

There are sooo many types of Oracle decks to choose from. I purchased my first set around 2007 and over the years my collection has grown to include decks that serve a variety of purposes.
No matter what, it’s important to choose a deck that resonates with you in theme and in its messages of guidance. You can find Oracle decks with images that feature unicorns, fashion, flowers, crystals and even cats! Over the years, I have added to my collection as my interest in Oracle cards and my spiritual practice has grown.
Because choosing the right deck for you is very personal, if you happen to receive them as a gift or purchase a set that isn’t what you thought it’d be or the messages don’t quite resonate with you, I invite you to be patient with them and yourself. Try cleansing them again (noted below) or put them away for a while… One day they will have a purpose. They came into your life for a reason, even if it’s unclear now.
Here is a short list of a few decks in my collection to give you an idea of the varied styles out there:  


“Saints and Angels” by Doreen Virtue
A beautifully illustrated, gold trimmed 44-card deck, including a guidebook with instructions on how to use the cards. Each card has a detailed, personal message from an Angel or Saint like Archangel Michael and Joan of Arc.
“Wisdom Cards” by Louise Hay
This 64-card deck is so easy to use. I actually bought them to assist in my yoga practice. They have a simple message or mantra on one side for meditation and a deeper, detailed message on the other side for further contemplation.
“Abundance Cards” by Mindful Wealth
A unique 56-card deck designed for New Moon intention setting. These cards concentrate on abundance and offer insight to focus/ balance your energy to cultivate prosperity.


Preparing your deck for readings

Once you have picked your deck, it’s time to cleanse and infuse them with your energy so that they can start working for you.
Step 1 – Cleanse your deck
Cards are sensitive and can very easily pick up unwanted or stagnant energy. Your deck may have traveled far to get to you, been in a store with multiple energies around them etc. So, it is important to energetically clean your deck before you begin using it. This can be done by lighting sage or palo santo and circling the smoke around the box and deck. After that you can spread the cards and swirl the smoke over the top of them to cleanse each card.
Step 2- Make them yours
After your cards are cleansed, now you need to infuse your energy into them so that they are prepared to guide you in your highest and best good. I was taught years ago by my spiritual advisor that the best way to do this is before you go to bed, hold the deck to your heart and set any intentions that you would like to charge them with, then wrap the cards (the entire deck together without the box) in a piece of fabric. After you’ve wrapped the cards, place them under your pillow overnight night, as you sleep, to infuse them with your personal vibrations.
Use your intuition for this step. If your cards are too big for comfortable sleep, perhaps you shuffle them in your hands for a while and take time to touch and connect to each card individually to create personal bond.


Using your cards

Ready to ask a question? If it’s the first question for your new deck, think about asking “What are you here to teach me?” This will be a great way to get to know your deck and why it may have come into your life at this time.
When asking a question, make it clear in your mind, there’s no need to say it out loud if you don’t want to, your cards will know your question as long as it’s clear. Then shuffle the cards.
While shuffling, you can repeat your question or keep your intuition open to receive feelings, images or thoughts that may help you understand the guidance from the cards. If any cards happen to fall out during shuffling, place them aside and use them as part of the messages the cards are offering.
When you feel you’re ready to stop shuffling, stop and choose a card. You can do this by picking the one off the top or any spot in the deck, you can also spread the cards out face down and choose one- whatever you feel called to do, know that you will always choose the right one for you and your question.
As you read the message on the card, notice the image and any additional feelings or thoughts that come to mind. These are all messages from your intuition and spirit guides that can help you answer your question. Don’t forget to look at the cards that might have popped out and, if your cards came with a guidebook, look to that too for more information about its meaning.  
When you’re done, gather all the cards back together in a stack. Be sure to thank the cards and your guides for their insight. Then, cleanse the cards as you wish to reset their energy.
I like to repeat the cleansing step before and after I use my cards to make sure they are clear of any outside energies or energy from previous readings.


Can other people use or touch my cards?

This is an individual preference. I don’t typically have others touch my personal deck. However, I do have a special set that I have designated for students in my yoga class to use during their practice. If you choose to offer readings to others, I have found that if I shuffle the cards on my own, with the intention that they will be used to offer guidance for my client, the messages in the cards will be just as clear without having additional hands/ energy on my cards.
However, if you choose to let others use or touch your cards, be sure to cleanse them before using them again.


How to store your Oracle deck

It’s perfectly ok to keep your cards in the box they came in. You can also keep them wrapped in a silk cloth or in a fabric bag. You can even add a crystal, like clear quartz, with the bundle to keep them cleansed and sacred.


Card spreads and daily use

How you use your cards and the frequency is totally up to you. If you are looking for more guidance you might find that doing a card spread can give you more insight into your question. You might find example card spreads in the guidebook that came with the deck or google “Oracle Card spreads” and choose one that fits your needs. I also suggest checking out Miss Tarot’s Instagram page. She has a ton of positive and insightful spreads for just about anything. 
You can also use your cards as part of a daily practice. Perhaps pulling a card every day and asking “What do I need to know today?” Follow it up with a meditation based on the guidance from the card or a journal entry to deepen your connection to its message.


Where can I find my own Oracle deck?

Hay House publishes a wide array of decks that cover pretty much any theme or interest you can think of and they can be purchased through their online store. You can also look on Amazon for additional styles or visit your local metaphysical shop to see them in person before purchasing.


Happy reading!